
The Wellness Prepper

Is Health Your #1 Priority?


Essential Oils

Happy Moo Year!

T’was the night before New Year’s and all thru the barn,

Not a creature was stirring…….’cause it was dang cold on the farm. Continue reading “Happy Moo Year!”

Sleep Week/ Day 2

Good morning friends!! I hope you got a good night of sleep last night! Fireworks were fierce out here in the country til nearly midnight (we’ve got at least 2 more nights of them.. July 4th is around the corner)… and our animals were stressed. Needless to say, OUR sleep was affected!

Sleep deprivation causes increased hunger and increased stress hormone levels… never a good thing, but especially if you are trying to manage your weight or lose a few extra pounds. Sleep deprivation can make that goal dang near impossible! Continue reading “Sleep Week/ Day 2”

Sheep…. er, Sleep 101

As much as this oily farmgirl loves her animals, counting sheep as I lay in bed is NOT my favorite thing to do. In fact, it’s downright annoying and, over time, it can actually become destructive to the body. Usually, I have no trouble falling asleep, but there are times when I wake up with some thought that is front and center in my brain and refuses to leave. That’s a problem. Thankfully, it isn’t a chronic issue for me, but when it does happen, it sure makes the following day a little more challenging.  Continue reading “Sheep…. er, Sleep 101”

Say What? The Role the FDA & FTC Play

You may have seen by now that I have a passion for sharing and educating. I can’t help it… and at times I am unapologetic about my passion. I love sustainable wellness and sustainable living… the methods, the practice, the fact that it is available to everyone who is willing to work for it. I don’t think I would be this way if I hadn’t spent 25+ years in the trenches of the pharmaceutical industry, and seen the carnage that results from loosely prescribing ‘bandaid medication’ instead of getting to the root of what is actually malfunctioning and working to correct what has gone awry holistically. Don’t get me wrong (I feel like a broken record player saying this), there is a time and a place for medications, but why is the consumption of 80% of ALL medications worldwide occurring in the United States by Americans? We’ve been suckered into thinking that a little pill will solve everything. Continue reading “Say What? The Role the FDA & FTC Play”

Walking Above the Line….. Sustainably

Sustainable Wellness Practices. Sustainability defined by Websters: “able to be maintained at a certain rate or level”.

My career path (pharmacy) has placed me in a ringside seat of wellness gone south. Approximately 116 Million Americans suffer from chronic pain.  Standard western medicine gives answers to chronic pain that are NOT sustainable solutions. There is not one Opioid or NSAID (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory) or other pain reliever that provides a sustainable answer to a long term problem. Long term use of any of them will inevitably lead to a body system dysfunction. Continue reading “Walking Above the Line….. Sustainably”

“Feed Me Seymour!” Candida exposed

Feed me Seymour!…. if you remember, this is a famous line out of the movie, Little Shop of Horrors. When I teach gut health classes, I use this analogy in reference to another monster within us who has an insatiable appetite….. Candida.

Candida is a sugar fermenting yeast that naturally lives within our digestive tract, and is helpful and necessary in our gut ecosystem when colonized in appropriate amounts. Unfortunately, 70-80% of all Americans have fallen below the wellness line and now suffer with chronic Candida overgrowth. How in the world did this happen to so many of us? Continue reading ““Feed Me Seymour!” Candida exposed”

Body Chemistry 101: Alkalime

Body chemistry 101…. Is your body acidic or slightly basic?… and why does it matter?

Continue reading “Body Chemistry 101: Alkalime” Oil Imposters?

Several days ago a friend and I had a conversation about a Young Living oil purchase she had made on Amazon. She was pleased with herself as she had gotten “our oils” at half the price that you and I would generally pay. Continue reading “ Oil Imposters?”

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